General principles of patronage granting
1. Patronage of the President of the Polish Foundation for Energy Efficiency is a honorary distinction and does not mean any declaration of financial or organizational support
2. The President of FEWE may decide on granting a patronage to an undertaking if it is coherent with activities carried by FEWE
3. In case of periodical undertakings a patronage is given to its particular, single editions.
Patronage granting
1. An application for a patronage shall be submitted by the organizer of the subjectundertaking. Application to FEWE in PL language
2. The above form shall be completed with an undertaking description and in case of a competition – its principles and set of rules.
3. Application for a patronage shall be submitted at latest three weeks prior to the planned beginning of this undertaking.
4. A filled form along with required attachments shall be posted by regular mail to:
Fundacja na rzecz Efektywnego Wykorzystania Energii
ul. Rymera 3/4
40-048 Katowice
or by e-mail:
5. Acceptance or refuse are issued in a written form. Reasons for the President’s decision are not required to be presented.
6. If a patronage is granted, the organizer is obliged to give clear information on this fact in the event’s information-promotional materials or proceedings.
7. Patronage exclusively refers to the undertaking defined in terms of time and place of its performing.