Euro Topten Max
In the recent years a very popular thing is energy saving. There are ones who pass by without any interest but there are also others who are trying to put it into reality. In that way a consortium has emerged linking 22 partners from different European countries to perform a project named Euro Topten Max. The project is financed from the means available thru Intelligent Energy Europe. This is the third edition of this project in the period of 2012-2015.
It is not an easy thing to buy a good equipment. One shall consider many factors to be sure that the subject meets ones expectations. The portal named www.topten.info.pl, can be of much help. It contains a set of ten best energy efficient household appliances and products, respectively categorized into groups: household apps, cars, light bulbs, heating boilers, motors and pumps, office equipment, solar collectors. The tool makes it possible to compare various products one to another. The basic selection criterion is energy efficiency sometimes in combination with other indicators (e.g. emission rates). The project presents also other data important to a buyer, such as a photo, mark, model, price or value of saved energy. The chosen product can also be compared to other ones that represent parameters considered as energy intensive.
An advantage of the service is its independence from producers and distributors. The presented data derive from labels, standard declarations, independent testing results, etc. At least every half year the information put on the website is updated to follow the present market situation.
Topten info is also a kind of a guide to stimulate the market of energy efficient products thru giving access to up-to-date information on most energy efficient equipment available on the market and thus it is useful to people who prepare tender documentations in the framework of green public procurements. The section Topten Pro provides access to guidebooks for purchasers. This issue contains examples of bidding criteria.
The Polish edition of the project has granted the patronage from the Ministry of Economy, from Energy Regulatory Office, from Silesian Marshall Office, and from Polish TV (Katowice Branch) and TV Silesia.
Please feel invited to visit www.topten.info.pl and check how much you can save!
Project Manager: Anna Bogusz
Project contact: office(at)fewe.pl