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Decarbonizing Building Heating in Poland

The project objective is to provide analysis and technical support to to PNNL to explore technology pathways for decarbonizing heating in residential and public buildings and reducing natural gas consumption in Poland.

In October 2019, the Department of Energy’s Office of International Affairs launched The Partnership for Transatlantic Energy and Climate Cooperation (P-TECC). This partnership serves to provide expertise on resilient energy systems to 24 countries in Eastern and Central Europe and the European Union. This includes technical support and tools to assist P-TECC countries with their building heating decarbonization planning. In support P-TECC, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) will work with Poland to help identify sustainable building heating systems to reduce the reliance on natural gas, and to help decarbonize the residential building sector.

The Foundation for Energy Efficiency will provide technical support to PNNL researchers in designing appropriate pathways using the Global Change Analysis Model (GCAM). FEWE will provide local knowledge and feedback on the model’s assumptions and results, and help with communication between PNNL and local stakeholders.


  • Review of GCAM inputs and scenarios

These inputs include socioeconomic (population & GDP) assumptions and data projections for Poland used in all GCAM scenarios.

  • Capacity building

Engaging with local stakeholders, government and partners, such as the National Emissions Management Center (KOBiZE), through meetings, webinars and workshops.

The final results summarizing the project and the modeling conducted will be presented in a final report prepared by PNNL in close cooperation with FEWE.

Funding: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

Duration of the project: May – October 2024

Contact: Szymon Liszka;

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