The aim of the seed funding project is to expand and strengthen network of stakeholders (current networks and other stakeholders) promoting energy efficiency in buildings and other sectors in BSR countries and to prepare an application for funding from other source of funding to a large project aiming to holistically systemize information on EE and realize targeted awareness activities for stakeholders in order to increase collaboration and present tangible added values for changing behaviours.
It is planned to map the stakeholders that could create/take part in a platform (online platform, network, knowledge hub) for energy efficiency initiatives (national and international) to meet, communicate and develop a strategic collaboration roadmap of collaboration and find out new solutions to help reach the energy efficiency targets more efficiently and work on the roadmap implementation together – from different sectors towards the same aim – increase the energy efficiency in the BSR.
- Energikontor Norr AB, an energy agency – Sweden (coordinator)
- Fundacja na rzecz Efektywnego Wykorzystania Energii (FEWE) – Poland
- Baltic Environmental Forum – Latvia (część sieci NGOs w Łotwie, Estonii, Litwie oraz Niemczech – BEF Group) – Latvia
Supporting partners:
- Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia
- Global Playground Stockholm
- The Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS)
- Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe
Project manager: Łukasz Polakowski; +48 603 554 308; 32 203 51 14 int. 22, l.polakowski(at)fewe.pl