Concepts and analyses
One of the components necessary to correctly manage energy is to exactly prepare the investment and acquire high skills by the persons who respond for its implementing. In order to correctly tailor ones plans to the available technical and economic possibilities it is necessary to develop ad prospective plan of the energy project under question – or, in other words – the project concept. Such a concept shall include as well the inventory of the present state, e.g. energy consumption, as the set of several optional proposals of solutions aimed at reducing energy demand or mitigating emission of airborne pollutants. It often happens that some opportunities of using some new ways to use or generate energy for instance thru putting a new source into operation based on previously not used energy resources. Typical examples of such conceptual works carried out by FEWE are projects of new RES plants or of utilization of local residual or waste resources such as surplus heat or post-technology gas.
An important part of a concept usually is an economic analysis. In the best situation it shall be carried in a way making it possible to simultaneously give advantages in economic and environmental aspects with the most effective use of the investor’s financial means. FEWE has gathered a big experience in terms of developing concepts of energy management, emission mitigation and optimization of energy costs and usage. We have developed many projects of that kind, for local authorities and for economic entities. We use multicriterial economic analyses and own optimization methodologies. We are always ready to tailor computation models and conceptual patterns to the clients; expectations and based upon his technical and investment possibilities.